A time for mourning…

This week has been rather quiet at Valley View Farm, the country has said a very sad farewell to HRM Queen Elizabeth.

Being American and watching as the country mourns their Queen has been both heartbreaking and heartwarming. My dear husband has fond memories of growing up near the Royal family and feels as if he has lost a long time friend. I think most people feel that way, as the Queen had a warm welcoming smile and when she spoke on the television, she was talking to each and every person. What an amazing Lady and Queen. With a warm heart we thank you for your service.

Thank you Ma’am and God save The King

M C Horsford

Colleen runs the very popular Valley View Farm bnb, in Batcombe Somerset, with Mart’s help. Apart from their relentless ongoing improvement programme, and keeping everything running smoothly for all the PG’s (paying guests) comfort and enjoyment, Colleen is often preparing packed lunches for the day and cooking delicious kitchen suppers too.

Having been in hospitality most of her adult life, whether hotels, restaurants or resorts, she knows the game. Mart is a seasoned builder with a keen designers eye for the aesthetics of a place.

Together they plan to evolve VVF into a wonderful secluded escape from the city, and over time offer all manner of activities and indulgence.


A Poem about Marmalade


Shhhh, the morning songs of the House Martin